11th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing (ICOP-W-2025)
The STRAT Hotel, Casino & Tower
Las Vegas, USA
30th - 31st January 2026
Due Date for Abstract Submission: 30th October 2025
- Articles selected by the editors of the journals supporting the conference will be invited to the journal's review process.
- ICOP-W-2025 accepted full papers will be published by Curran Associates Inc.Proocedings.com (USA) and submitted for indexing in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus, ERIC and Google Scholar.
- Also, distinguished keynote speakers who are internationally renowned in the field will be giving presentations at the conference.
- Abstracts and full papers must be English Language.
- Also, distinguished keynote speakers who are internationally renowned in the field will be giving presentations at the conference.
- Abstracts and full papers must be English Language.
- All proposals will be subjected to peer-reviews.
- Best Papers and Posters Awards
- Virtual (online) Participation Opportunities
- Entrance to all Workshops
- Presentation and Participation Certificates
- Coffee breaks
- Online Program Book
- Online Abstracts Book
- Networking time
- For more information: congress.infodesk@gmail.comYÖK Akademik Teşvik Ödeneği Yönetmeliği ve UAK Doçentlik Kriterlerini karşılamaktadır.
Hope to meet you at the conference
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Melis Seray Özden YILDIRIM
Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey
Program Chair