Keynote Speakers (2024)

Keynote Title: “The 17 Sustainable Development Goals through assessment”

Abstract: Assessment has been commonly used just for measuring students’ performance. However, it is common to neglect its powerful effect in improving the students (and to a large extension, the citizenship) quality of life through a good calibration of the students’ potential and needs. Obviously, when addressing groups of population, this leads to a lack of envision of how to improve their lives (objectives 1, 5, 8). Thus, it is necessary to revise the benefits of assessment in education from the individual to collective evaluations to achieve better learning (objective 4). Therefore, on one side, we leave behind the traditional perspective of validation for commercial purposes; on the other, the traditional vision of assessment as a weapon for individual performance. In conclusion, to empower the education of countries where sustainable education is a need, we need to revise the procedures we follow in assessment at all levels.

Biodata: Dr García Laborda has a MA in ESL (University of Georgia), MA in English Language and Literature (University of Wisconsin), PhD in English Philology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and European Doctorate in Didactics (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). He has been Visiting Scholar at Penn State University and the University of Antwerp, and he has taught postgraduate courses in Lithuania, Cyprus, Turkey, Colombia and Brazil. He has also been the main researcher in four R&D projects and participated in eight more. In 2017-2018 he was Acting Director of the TAEG Knowledge Center (Cyprus) where he currently holds different positions. He has more than 270 published works. Since 2019 he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Education of Universidad de Alcalá, and before that he was the Director of the Department of Modern Philology of the same university (2016-2019). He is currently president of the European Language Association for Specific Purposes. Additionally, he is Editor in Chief of Revitas Encuentro (ESCI / web of Science), Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (ESCI / SCOPUS requested), Internal Journal of Learning & Teaching (ESCI / SCOPUS requested) and co-editor of Computer Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (SCOPUS), as well as a member of the scientific committee or evaluator of 15 other impact journals (JCR / SCOPUS / ESCI). He is a specialist in language teaching, assessment, educational technology and bilingual education.

Prof. Dr. Ilga Salīte

Daugavpils University, Latvia

Keynote Tittle: “A Coevolutionary Perspective for Sustainable Education under Anthropocene conditions?”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu

Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board, Nicosia, Cyprus

Keynote Tittle: “Internationalization in Higher Education”

Biodata: Huseyin Uzunboylu graduated from Anadolu University, completing a degree in BSc Educational Communicating and Planning in 1991. He graduated from Ankara University; completed a degree in MA Curriculum and Instruction in 1995 and completed PhD in area of Educational Technology in 2002. He became Assistant Professor in 2013, Associate Professor in 2015 and Professor of Educational Technology in 2010 at Cyprus Near East University.He was elected to member of “Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board” by the Republican of Parliament in November in 2019.

Prof. Dr. Remziye Terkan

Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board, Nicosia, North Cyprus

Keynote Tittle: “Will be announced”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keynote Tittle: “Internationalization in Higher Education”
Biodata: Huseyin Uzunboylu graduated from Anadolu University, completing a degree in BSc Educational Communicating and Planning in 1991. He graduated from Ankara University; completed a degree in MA Curriculum and Instruction in 1995 and completed PhD in area of Educational Technology in 2002. He became Assistant Professor in 2013, Associate Professor in 2015 and Professor of Educational Technology in 2010 at Cyprus Near East University.He was elected to member of “Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board” by the Republican of Parliament in November in 2019.



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