Supporting Journal
Supporting Journal
Selection of journal editors on abstracts, authors of selected articles are welcomed to submit extended (at least %50) version for publication in regular issues of the following reputed journals, in addition to publication in the conference proceedings. New copyright forms must also be signed and delivered to the appropriate journal.
The journals that has been confirmed so far (further replies are expected in following days)
- British Journal of Educational Technology, SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.255
- Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.940
- Computational Biology and Chemistry, Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.837
- Computers and Education, Indexed SSCI & SCI, Impact Factor: 2.059
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.833
- Interacting with Computers, Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.103
- Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.220
- Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.331
- The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,Indexed SCI, Impact Factor: 1.824
- Global Journal of Computer Science
- Global Journal of Information Technology
- Global Journal of Technology
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