Abstract Submission

Abstracts will be sent to the conference/congress as Structured Abstracts. Necessary information regarding this subject is provided below.

Click here to submit your abstract.

If you have any problem with this form or have not heard the Evaluation result of your abstract, please get in touch with the conference e-mail: wcit.info@gmail.com

Structured Abstract Writing Guide

The aim of this study is to prevent the difficulties experienced in evaluating abstracts sent to previous congresses and, at the same time, to make the evaluation process more objective, effective, and efficient, given the necessary information.

  • While preparing a structured abstract, the purpose of the study, its method and materials, its results and conclusions, and its original value should be expressed in subsection headings following the title.
  • The study’s limitations and suggestions for future studies may also be presented.
  • Abstracts should be short, between 300 and 500 words, and comprehensive enough to allow readers to understand the study without reading the entire paper.
  • Calibri font style, single line spacing, and 10-point font.


It should be short, concise and reflective of the work. It should not exceed 12 words at most.Authors and Contact Information
Title Name Surname, Institution name, e-mail addressKeywords
It consists of a maximum of 5 words that reflect the content of the study.Sub-Topic
It should be stated under which sub-topic the study would like to be evaluated, which was announced in the congress call.Aim
The aim(s) to be achieved in the study should be clearly stated.Method and Materials
How the specified goal(s) will be achieved and which method(s) will be used should be discussed. At this point,- type of study (applied, conceptual, theoretical, review),

– the design of the study if it is applied research (exploratory, descriptive, causal),

– the problem(s) of the study (by those stated in the purpose section),

– the model and/or hypothesis(es), if any,

– population, sampling method, sampling process,

– the data collection technique should be clearly stated;

– If the study is completed, it should be briefly stated which quantitative/qualitative analyses were used.


The (expected) results obtained from the analysis of the obtained data should be briefly stated.
Conclusions and OriginalityThe study should be demonstrated through its contribution to the topics and practice in the conference content. If the work has not been completed, the expected contributions can be stated.

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